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Athena limits Hive table to 100 partitions

In some cases, you might experience HIVE_TOO_MANY_OPEN_PARTITIONS: Exceeded limit of 100 open writers for partitions/buckets.. Athena supports writing to 100 unique partition and bucket combinations per query. For example, if no buckets are defined in the destination table, you can specify a maximum of 100 partitions. If you specify five buckets, 20 partitions (each with five buckets) are allowed. If you exceed this count, an error occurs.


Iceberg tables are also affected by the same limitation. The iceberg.max-partitions-per-writer setting in Trino is set by default to 100.

AWS suggests a workaround in the documentation using CTAs and INSERT INTO. We can automate this in dbt using a materialization. An example implementation – inspired by the Redshift insert_by_period materialization – can be found here.