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Highly-available Hive table

The current implementation of the Hive table materialization can lead to downtime, because the target table is dropped and re-created. To have a less destructive behavior, it's possible to use the table='table_hive_ha' materialization.

table_hive_ha leverages the table versions feature of Glue catalog: creating a "tmp" table and swapping the target table to the location of the tmp table.


This materialization is only available for table_type=hive (default) and requires using unique locations on S3.


'a' as user_id,
'pi' as user_name,
'active' as status
union all
'b' as user_id,
'sh' as user_name,
'active' as status
union all
'c' as user_id,
'sh' as user_name,
'disabled' as status

By default, the materialization keeps the last 4 table versions. You can change it by setting versions_to_keep on the model configuration.

Known issues

  • When swapping from a table with partitions to a table without (and the other way around), there could be a little downtime. In case high performance is needed, consider bucketing instead of partitions
  • By default, Glue "duplicate" the versions internally, so the last 2 versions of a table point to the same location. Therefore it's recommended to use versions_to_keep >= 4, as this will avoid to have the older location removed.